never for money, always for love

deer in the headlights

Publicerad 2011-07-06 13:20:05 i

nu har mitt mobilskal kommit, tjoho. funkar asbra :) ska dra ut och åka lite longboard eller bara lägga mig ute & sola lite. we'll see. ikväll ska jag, nea & ehnen sätta upp ett tält. vi får se hur det går!

"The Script taught me how to move on. Green Day taught me that government's gonna fail someday. Bruno Mars taught me to do anything for that one person I love. Eminem taught me that life is hard but you can make it through. Taylor Swift taught me not every guy is going to treat me right. Rebecca Black taught me that Saturday is after Friday. Michael Jackson taught me to always love the people around me. Adam Lambert taught us it doesn't matter if your gay. Music teaches you stuff."


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